Wednesday, March 18, 2009


There are so many things that aren’t right but we do them all the same. Have you ever said things behind other people’s backs? (Cause I know I have!) If your answer is yes then you are a sincere person. Most people claim that they dislike “gossips”, that is, people who say things behind other people’s backs. Well I’m no saint but I try to control myself. Remember the Good Book advised against gossiping because whatever you say behind someone else’s back believe it or not, someone somewhere will also be saying stuff (very awful stuff) about you behind your back. FYI no one and I mean no one is innocent of gossiping.

Gossip, no matter how sweet often gets the perpetrator into trouble. I remember when I was quite young, I remember saying nasty things behind a friend’s back and boy! When she found out, I got it and I got it real good. I plead guilty to gossiping, what about you? I also plead guilty to a number of things such as lying, malice, fighting, you don’t want me to mention the rest. I am trying my very best to be a better person, I don’t encourage gossiping (at least not as often as I used to), I bear no malice against anyone (but for a certain ex-boyfriend, I’ll make an exception). I have a knack for flaring up at the slightest provocation but the day I actually witnessed someone who acted exactly like me, I decided that very day to take it down a thousand. My first reaction to the way the girl acted was “what a touchy b...h” the next thing I knew my conscience said to me “you are a fine one to talk! Pot, kettle, black”. I knew at that very moment I was exactly like her (gosh! What a revelation).

I think the best thing for people who act like they are better than the rest of us humans, should take a good look at themselves. I found out some years back that no one is perfect! Most of my friends or at least the ones that are quite close to me know that whenever I start a conversation especially about someone else I begin with “I am not a saint” meaning I am not in anyway better than the person I am talking about. I have vices worse than some people put together. I know someone who had a habit of pointing out other people’s faults. Trust me, I confronted Miss Nosey Von-Holier-than-thou, I pointed out all her own faults and as I envisaged she wasn’t at all pleased, she was so shocked she kept mute throughout the day (poor thing, she thought she was perfect).

I know I have a long way to go but I someday I’ll get there and I hope you too can look within and make changes. Start by listing out your faults and declare that I plead guilty!

Maureen Oputa

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